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What is an NFT Launchpad?
An NFT launchpad is a crowdfunding platform that accelerates the growth of new NFT projects. It is the infrastructure which allows NFT projects to be marketed and launched.
How is HPad different to other launchpads?
Most NFT launchpads are third party sites which market multiple NFT projects at the same time. HPad provides projects with the functionality to host and manage your token project directly on your own website. You users can mint and buy NFTs without having to leave your site.
How long does it take to get up and running?
We can get you up and running with our launchpad services within a few days.
What infrastructure do I need to run the launchpad software?
Under construction
How much does HPad charge?
Our charging model involves an upfront payment for configuration and implementation, and then an annual subscription fee. Whilst subscribing to HPad, you can use your launchpad to launch any number of projects.
Do you provide a free trial?
As the platform is integrated on your website, we cannot offer a free trial. Check out other websites built using HPad to see what we could do for you.